Error Code

Error Code Description
81 Name can not be empty.
82 Email address can not be empty & should be valid.
83 Billing Address street 2 can not be empty.
84 Billing city can not be empty.
85 Billing state can not be empty.
86 Billing country can not be empty.
87 Billing zip address can not be empty.
88 Billing phone number can not be empty.
89 Not Store Available
101 Wrong Website API Token
102 Inactive Website Id
1021 Inactive Merchant. Contact to Support Team!!!
1022 Deleted Website Id
1023 Rejected Website Id
1024 Under review Website Id
1025 Awaiting Terminal Website Id
1026 Terminated Website Id
103 Acquirer missing - terminal not assigned
104 Your account have not been approved yet
105 Account Currency missing under Merchant User Profile
106 Contact to Support Team
150 Card Name missing from Bank Gateway
151 Card number can not be empty
152 Wrong card number
153 No Payment Channel Available to process this card.
154 Card CCVV number can not be empty.
155 Expiry date month of card can not be empty.
156 Expiry date year of card can not be empty.
157 Settlement Period missing in Acquirer. Contact to Support.
666 Id Order should be unique.
1040 Required parameters are missing
1041 Required parameters are missing
1042 Invalid IP address!!!
1051 Passing currency not supported
1044 Requested mid has been terminated!!!

Support by Gateway

Error BD No payment channel available to process this card
Error BD Server can not handle your request
This is IP blocker for more than 20 transaction try Same IP and within 24 hours then showing "Server cannot handle your request" from Bank Gateway. It means next try after 10 minutes to 24 hours.

Response After Transaction

Q1. High Risk / Bad Card Request

Ans. The card has been reported as a highly risky card from the bank side. There could be several reasons. For example: there could be multiple try with this card with wrong information, or there may be bad credit history of the card.

Q2. Transaction in process

Ans. The transaction is in process and status is not confirmed yet. The delay can be due to slow internet speed or server response time. You will be notified soon through email, after the transaction status confirmation.

Q3. Declined, please contact your issuer or try another card Payment Failed.

Ans. The transaction is declined from your card issuer side. You may contact to your issuer to get more details about it. For the payment, you may try with another card.

Q4. User payment count daily limited Payment Failed.

Ans. There is a limit for any of the card to be used for every 24 hrs. If the limit exceeds, the card shall be blocked for next 24 hrs, for further use. The limit shall be refreshed by it self after every 24 hrs.
To know more about daily card uses limit, you may visit the 'Scrubbed - as par customer email Id/ as per amount' area, mentioned as below.

Q5. VISA/ Master card type unsupported Payment Failed.

Ans. Acquiring bank failed to locate the issuer of this card. You may please contact to your issuer.

Q6. Stolen or lost card. Payment Failed.

Ans. The card has been reported Stolen or Lost.

Q7. Insufficient funds Payment Failed.

Ans. The card limit exceeds and remaining credit limit has insufficient funds to be used.

Q8. Invalid Card Verification Value (CVV) Payment Failed.

Ans. The CVV (card verification code) is wrong.

Q9. Expired card Payment Failed.

Ans. The card is already expired.

Scrubbed - as par customer email Id/ as per amount

Q1. What is minimum transaction limit?

Ans. The minimum transaction limit is $1 (USD).

Q2. What is maximum transaction limit?

Ans. The maximum transaction limit is $500 (USD).

Q3. Per day limit for successful transactions?

Ans. 2 (two) successful transactions can be done within a time frame of 24 hrs, from the same card and for the same merchant. After 24 hrs, the limit shall be refreshed and you shall be able to do next two successful transactions. This is how the limit refreshes by it self after every 24 hrs.

Q4. Per day limit for un-successful transactions?

Ans. 5 (five) un-successful transactions can be done within a time frame of 24 hrs, from the same card and for the same merchant. After 24 hrs, the limit shall be refreshed and you shall be able to do next five un-successful transactions. This is how the limit refreshes by it self after every 24 hrs.

Note: Kindly contact customer service team to get more information about scrub setting on your